
CBSE Hindi Previous Year Question Paper Class 12: Hindi is an optional subject in CBSE class 12 that students of all streams can opt for. It can be a scoring subject but only after solving previous year papers. Check Hindi Core and Hindi Elective Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 with solutions in PDF format here.

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CBSE Hindi Previous Year Question Paper Class 12: 2023 is round the corner and so are the CBSE class 12 board exams. Most students are nearing the completion of their preparation and are busy giving the pre-board exams.

One overlooked subject in class 12 is Hindi. It is a language course that is optional in CBSE class 12. Hindi is the mother tongue of almost half the country and is widely spoken in North India. Most students don’t opt for Hindi in class 12 because English is already mandatory and serves as the primary medium of instruction in most higher education institutions.

But for those students who choose Hindi as an optional course, it can be a scoring subject that can boost the overall percentage. But is necessary to solve Hindi previous year papers of class 12 as language exams can be tricky to attempt.

On that note, we bring you Hindi previous year question papers of class 12 with solutions and in PDF format.

Hindi in CBSE class 12 is further divided in two courses – Hindi core (Code: 302) and Hindi Elective (Code: 002). We have covered the sample papers and updated syllabus of both CBSE class 12 Hindi Core and Hindi Elective.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Hindi

Check the CBSE Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Hindi Here.

Importance of the Hindi Question Paper for the CBSE Class 12 Students

Hindi is a subject which looks easy on the surface but often ends up adversely affecting students’ score. Even though Hindi is the mother tongue of 44 percent of Indians, it’s one thing to speak the language and a whole another to craft answers that score marks. Previous year papers can help understand the pattern of the exam and give and idea of what type of questions are asked and how best to answer them to score high.

Why should one solve Hindi Previous Year’s Question Papers?

Hindi is a subject that is easy to understand for native speakers but could be challenging for people who speak other languages. Scoring high in Hindi in CBSE class 12 can come in handy during government exam preparation or for pursuing a linguistic career.

But scoring good marks in Hindi is no small feat. It requires proper understanding of the literature and how to explain your answers to the examiner. CBSE class 12 Hindi core is not a difficult course but students can make silly mistakes due to overconfidence. Solving CBSE class 12 previous year papers of Hindi is a must to practising how to write answers that’ll fetch high marks.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Syllabus (2022-23)

CBSE class 12 Hindi syllabus is a combination of literature, poetry, comprehension, grammar and creative writing. Students have to analyze works of some of the greatest authors of the Hindi language and also write letters and paragraphs. There are two prescribed books in Hindi core, namely Aroh and Vitan.

You can check the CBSE Hindi Core (302) class 12 syllabus and unit-wise weightage below.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Syllabus 2022-23: Download The Latest Curriculum in PDF

Another thing to keep in mind is that CBSE has updated the class 12 Hindi syllabus for the 2022-23 exams. Be sure to go through the deleted syllabus before attempting previous year question papers or sample papers. You can check out the class 12 Hindi core deleted syllabus below.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core Deleted Syllabus 2022-23: Deleted Portions of Hindi Core & Elective

Hindi Elective (002) is a literature focused course that can be opted by students in CBSE class 12. The recommended books for Hindi elective are Antra and Antral. The CBSE class 12 Hindi elective syllabus is given below.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus 2022-23: Download The Latest Curriculum in PDF

The syllabus of Hindi Elective has also been reduced. Many chapters from the Antra and Antral books are no longer included in the CBSE Class 12 board exam syllabus. You can check the CBSE class 12 Hindi Elective deleted syllabus here.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Deleted Syllabus 2022-23: Deleted Portions of Hindi Core & Elective

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Marking Scheme (2022-23)

CBSE also releases the marking scheme of exams and sample papers every year. They help students assess the length of the exam and decide the adequate word limits for answers.

Sample papers also provide an idea of the exam blueprint and the unit-wise distribution of the questions. You can check out the CBSE class 12 Hindi sample papers below.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core Sample Paper 2022-23

The marking scheme reveals the answers and what are the key points the examiner looks for in the answer sheet. You can read and download the marking scheme for CBSE Class 12 Hindi Exam 2023 below.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core Marking Scheme 2022-23

The marking scheme and sample papers of CBSE class 12 Hindi elective is given below.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Sample Paper 2022-23: Download Sample Question Paper and Marking Scheme PDF

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