
RBSE Class 10th Social Science Syllabus 2023: Rajasthan’s Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), has published the syllabus for the 2023 class 10 Social Science exams.

Social Science is a compulsory subject in RBSE class 10 and is also one of the most important subjects. Social science covers a vast range of topics in the fields of history, geography, and political science. These subjects form the core of humanities studies in senior secondary education and graduation.

However, Social Science is not only necessary for those looking to pursue humanities in the future. The subject improves global awareness and educates students about the world and national events of importance. The RBSE conducts the annual board exams to put students’ Social Science knowledge to the test.

While it’s essential to learn the subject by heart to succeed in the RBSE class 10 social science exams, it’s equally important to know the correct syllabus and pattern of the exams.

Check here the latest and updated Rajasthan Board Class 10th Social Science syllabus for the 2023 exams. The exam pattern and unit-wise weightage have also been covered and can be downloaded in both Hindi and English in PDF format.

RBSE Class 10 Social Science Exam Pattern




Sessional Marks

Total Marks


3.15 Hrs









India and the Contemporary World – II



Contemporary India – II



Democratic Politics – II



Understanding Economic Development





RBSE Class 10 Social Science Exam 2023 Syllabus


 Section 1: Events and Processes

  1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

 (i)The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation (ii)The Making of Nationalism in Europe (iii)The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848 (iv)The Making of Germany and Italy (iv) Visualizing the Nation(v) Nationalism and Imperialism

  1. Nationalism in India

 (i)The First World War, Khilafat and Non – Cooperation (ii)Differing Strands within the Movement (iii)Towards Civil Disobedience (iv)The Sense of Collective Belonging.

 Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies: Any one theme of the following:

  1. The Making of a Global World:

 (i) The Pre-modern world (ii)The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914) (iii)The Inter war Economy (iv)Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era. Page 14

  1. The Age of Industrialization

 (i)Before the Industrial Revolution (ii)Hand Labour and Steam Power (iii)Industrialization in the colonies (iv)Factories Come Up (v)The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth (vi) Market for Goods

Section 3: Everyday Life, Culture and Politics

  1. Print Culture and the Modern World

 (i) The First Printed Books (ii) Print Comes to Europe (iii) The Print Revolution and its Impact (iv) The Reading Mania (v) The Nineteenth Century (vi) India and the World of Print (vii) Religious Reform and Public Debates (viii) New Forms of Publication (ix) Print and Censorship


 Resources and Development :

 (i) Types of Resources (ii) Development of Resources (iii) Resource Planning in India

(iv) Land Resources (v) Land Utilization (vi) Land Use Pattern in India (vii) Land Degradation and Conservation Measures (viii) Soil as a Resource (ix) Classification of Soils (x) Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

  1. Forest and Wildlife Resources

 (i) Biodiversity in india (ii)Flora and Fauna in India Vanishing Forests (iii) Asiatic Cheetah: Where did they go? (iv) The Himalayan Yew in trouble (v) Conservation of forest and wildlife in India (vi) Project Tiger (vii) Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources (viii) Community and Conservation

  1. Water Resources

 (i) Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management (ii) Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources (iii)Management Rainwater Harvesting

  1. Agriculture

 (i)Types of farming (ii) Cropping Pattern (iii) Major Crops (iv) Technological and Institutional Reforms (v)Impact of Globalization on Agriculture

  1. Minerals and Energy Resources

 (i) What is a mineral? (ii) Mode of occurrence of Minerals (iii)Ferrons and Non-Ferrons Minerals (iv)Non-Metallic Minerals (v)Rock Minerals (vi)Conservation of Minerals (vii)Energy Resources Conventional and Non-Conventional (viii)Conservation of Energy Resources

  1. Manufacturing Industries

 (i)Importance of manufacturing (ii) Contribution of Industry to National Economy (iii) Industrial Location (iv)Classification of Industries (v) Spatial distribution Industrial (vi) pollution and environmental degradation, Control of Environmental Degradation

  1. Life Lines of National Economy

 (1)Transport–Roadways,Railways,Pipelines,Waterways,Airways.(2) Communication (3) International Trade. (4)Tourism as a Trade.


  1. Power Sharing :

 (i) Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka.(ii) Why power sharing is desirable? (iii) Forms of Power Sharing

  1. Federalism:

 (i)What is Federalism? (ii) Federal system in india (iii) How is Federalism practiced? (vi) Decentralization in India.

  1. Democracy and Diversity

 (i) Case Studies of Mexico (ii) Differences, similarities and divisions (iii) Politics of social divisions.

  1. Caste Religion and Gender Issues.

 (i) Gender and Politics. (ii) Religion, Communalism and Politics(iii) Caste and Politics

  1. Mass struggles and Movements

 (i)Popular Struggles in Nepal and Bolivia (ii)Mobilization and Organization (iii)Pressure Groups and Movements

  1. Political Parties

 (i)Why do we need Political Parties? (ii)How many Parties should we have? (iii)National Political Parties (iv)State Parties (v)Challenges to Political Parties (vi)How can Parties be reformed?

  1. Outcomes of Democracy

 (i)How do we assess democracy’s outcomes? (ii) Accountable, responsive and legitimate government (iii) Economic growth and development iv) Reduction of inequality and poverty (v) Accommodation of social diversity (vi) Dignity and freedom of the citizens

  1. Challenges to Democracy

 (i)Thinking about challenges (ii)Thinking about Political Reforms (iii)Redefining democracy


  1. Development

 (i) What Development Promises – Different people different goals(ii) Income and other goals(iii) National Development(iv) How to compare different countries or states? (v) Income and other criteria(vi) Public Facilities(vii) Sustainability of development

  1. Sectors of the Indian Economy

 (i)Sectors of Economic Activities (ii) Comparing the three sectors Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India(iii) Division of sectors as organized and unorganized (iv)Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors

  1. Money and Credit

 (i) Money as a medium of exchange (ii) Modern forms of money (iii) Loan activities of Banks (iv) Two different credit situations (v) Terms of credit (vi) Formal sector credit in India (vii) Self Help Groups for the Poor

  1. Globalization and the Indian Economy

 (i) Production across countries (ii) Interlinking production across countries (iii) Foreign Trade and integration of markets (iv) What is globalization? (v) Factors that have enabled Globalisation (vi) World Trade Organisation (vii) Impact of Globalization on India (viii) The Struggle for a fair Globalisation

  1. Consumer Rights


Content accuracy, originality and analysis 2

Presentation and creativity 2

Viva Voce 1

TOTAL Marks 5

1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:

Consumer Awareness


Social Issues


Sustainable Development

If required, students may go out for collecting data and use different primary and secondary resources to prepare the project. If possible, different forms of art may be integrated in the project work

2. All documents pertaining to assessment under this activity should be meticulously maintained by concerned schools

3. The projects carried out by the students in different topics should subsequently be shared among themselves through interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel discussions, etc

4. A Summary Report should be prepared highlighting:

  • objectives realized through individual work and group interactions;
  • calendar of activities;
  • innovative ideas generated in the process;
  • list of questions asked in viva voce.

5. It is to be noted here by all the teachers and students that the projects and models prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much expenditure.

6.    The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves.

7. Records pertaining to projects (internal assessment) of the students will be maintained for a period of three months from the date of declaration of result for verification at the discretion of Board. Subjudiced cases, if any or those involving RTI / Grievances may however be retained beyond three months.

The Prescribed Text Books of RBSE class 10 Social Science syllabus are NCERT’s India and the Contemporary World-II (History), Contemporary India II (Geography), Democratic Politics II (Political Science), and Understanding Economic Development II.

The RBSE class 10th Social Science syllabus is focused on teaching students about the world and national history, geography, economics and politics. All these topics are important to learn as they improve students’ knowledge and prepare them to head out in the world. Be sure to go through the Rajasthan board class 10 Social Science syllabus before starting your exam prep.

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RBSE 10th Science Syllabus 2023: Download Rajasthan Board Class 10 Science Syllabus PDF

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RBSE 10th English Syllabus 2023: Download Rajasthan Board Class 10 English Syllabus PDF




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