
Project Work in Class XI comprises of assessment of candidates in Listening, Speaking and Writing skills. These are to be assessed internally by the School, during course work and shown in the student’s report and school record. 

Candidates are to be assessed in three projects, one each on Listening, Speaking and Writing Skills. 

Details of Projects in Listening, Speaking and Writing Skills are given below: 

Listening Skills 

An unseen passage of about 500 words or a poem (of appropriate length) may be read aloud, twice, the first time at normal reading speed and the next time at a slower speed. The passage/poem may be taken from any book, newspaper, magazine, journal and so on but not from an ICSE or ISC textbook. A suitable audio clip may also be used. 

Students may make brief notes during the readings/playing of the audio clip, followed by answering objective-type questions based on the passage/poem/audio clip, on the paper provided. 

Speaking Skills 

Students are to be assessed through an individual presentation, e.g. extempore speaking, declamation, recitation, debate, of about three minutes followed by a discussion with the subject teacher, for another two or three minutes. 

List of suggested assignments for Project Work: 

1. Narrating an experience 

2. Giving directions or instructions on how to make or operate something 

3. Providing a description 

4. Giving a report 

5. Expressing an opinion or a theme-based conversation 

6. Giving a speech on a selected topic. 

Writing Skills (Language/Literature) 

Candidates will be required to undertake one written assignment of about 200 words on any aspect of Language /Literature syllabus covered in Class XI. 

List of suggested assignments for Project Work: 

1. Product/process description 

2. Description of an event 

3. Summary or paraphrase of a chosen text from the syllabus 

4. Providing an alternate title to a given text and giving a justification for the same. 

5. Selecting another story/poem on a theme studied in the syllabus and writing a summary of it. 

6. Giving an alternative title to a story or poem and justifying the same.


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