CBSE Class 10 English Important Textbook Questions: In the CBSE board exam 2024, class 10 English (Language and Literature) question paper will have short and long answer type questions from English textbooks – First Flight and Footprints without Feet. These questions will appear in the literature section of the paper with short questions carrying 3 marks each and long answer questions for 6 marks each. Here, in this article, we have collated short and long answer questions from some of the most important topics occurring in the English textbooks prescribed for CBSE Class 10. With the help of these important questions, students can assess their preparedness and prepare more effectively for the upcoming CBSE Class 10 English board exam in 2024.
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Check all questions below and try to answer them adhering to the prescribed word limit:
Problemen met het krijgen of behouden van een erectie kunnen een grote impact hebben op de emotionele en psychologische gezondheid van een man. Veel mensen zoeken naar oplossingen en onderzoeken de verschillende opties die er zijn, waaronder medicijnen. Het is belangrijk om de juiste informatie te vinden en te letten op de prijzen bij online apotheek, zodat je een weloverwogen keuze kunt maken. Veel deskundigen raden aan om veilig online inkopen te doen en betrouwbare bronnen te gebruiken, zoals Door de juiste stappen te volgen, kunnen mannen hun zelfvertrouwen en kwaliteit van leven herstellen.
CBSE Class 10 English Important Short Questions from First Flight
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each. (3 Marks for each)
(i) Explain how the description of the devastation caused by the hailstorm reflects the sadness within Lencho, in A Letter to God?
(ii) What did the Buddha want Kisa Gotami to understand?
(iii) Who are Paders and why are they called friends of the chidren?
(iv) Why did the woman at the control room look strangely at the pilot of old Dakota?
(v) Write a short note on the relationship between the author and his pet Mijbil.
(vi) According to the poet, what do ‘Fire and Ice’ represent? Do you agree with him?
(vii) What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother?
(viii) Describe the magnificent views of the tea estate with reference to the lesson, ‘Tea from Assam’.
(ix) What happened when Maxwell decided to transport Mijbil to England by air?
(x) What did the baker do first once he reached a house?
(xi) Evaluate the line – Some say the world will end in fire/Some say in ice – in the context of volcanic eruptions, forest fires, meteor collisions, melting ice caps, etc.?
(xii) What details did Valli pick up about the bus journey? How did she pick up these details?
(xiii) ‘Paper has more patience than people’. Elucidate.
(xiv) Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
(xv) Why was the young seagull alone at the ledge?
CBSE Class 10 English Important Short Questions from Footprints Without Feet
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each. (3 Marks for each)
(i) What compels Griffin to become a homeless wanderer without clothes?
(ii) The entry of one character in The Midnight Visitor brought a twist in the ending. Explain.
(iii) What was the passion of Horace Danby and how did he satisfy it?
(vi) Why did Matilda throw the invitation spitefully?
(v) What information did Ausable give about the imaginary balcony? Why did he do so?
(vi) Richard’s mother was his companion and spent a lot of time with him. A parent should try to be a companion to a child. Justify.
(vii) What were the factors which contributed in making Ebright a scientist?
(viii) Why was Dr Herriot confident that Tricki will be in the hospital room soon?
(ix) Why was Matilda Loisel always unhappy?
(x) How is Ausable different from other secret agents?
(xi) Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
(xii) Why does Horace Danby steal every year?
(xiii) Who is Fowler and what is his first authentic thrill of the day?
(xiv) State one likely reason the writer of The Midnight Visitor chose to characterise Ausable as short and fat.
(xv) Validate the importance of small, fun learning tasks towards successful careers, in the context of Richard Ebright in The Making of a Scientist.
CBSE Class 10 English Important Long Questions from First Flight
Answer the following questions in 100-120 words. (6 marks for each)
(i) ‘Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’ describes the value of freedom in life and how it is necessary for civilization to grow. What value do you derive out of it to make life an enjoyable experience?
(ii) How did Anne Frank use her writing skills in convincing her teacher?
(iii) Is it right to confine wild animals into cages? Why or Why not?
(iv) What do you think is the value of courage ? Discuss it in relation to the story ‘His First Flight’.
(v) Paper has more patience than people. This was how Anne the girl feels in the lesson “From the Diary of Anne Frank”.
(vi) As a girl/boy of almost the same age group can you identify yourself with Anne’s emotions. Also refer to the similar feelings of Amanda. Describe how Anne and Amanda must have felt and highlight the reasons which would have forced Anne to write a diary and Amanda to long for loneliness.
(vii) His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly, upbraiding him, threatening him. What role was played by the family of the seagull to train him in the art of flying?
(viii) It is true that without the help of the members of family, the young seagull could not fly. Elaborate.
(ix) Our attitude towards a situation evokes both negative and positive responses. Analyse this with reference to the poem, “Dust of Snow” to bring out the inherent valuable lessons.
CBSE Class 10 English Important Long Questions from Footprints Without Feet
Answer the following questions in 100-120 words. (6 marks for each)
(i) Hari Singh didn’t board the express and returned to Anil. It shows that everyone has some conscience that they do not put in practice. Elaborate with reference to ‘The Thief’s story’.
(ii) What changes occurred in Matilda’s lifestyle after she had lost the necklace?
(iii) The story, A Triumph of Surgery is a powerful example of the importance of saying “NO”. Explain giving examples from the text related to Tricky and his illness.
(iv) “Show off and a fake life may give temporary happiness but bring misfortune and problems in future.” Explain the statement by linking it to the desires and behaviour of Matilda Loisel.
(v) ‘Science should be used as a boon and not as a bane”. Analyse this in detail with reference to Griffin the lawless scientist in the lesson “Footprints without Feet”.
(vi) “Living beyond your means can cause mental agony and ruin.” Forgetting ground realities and having endless aspirations is not good. Elaborate this with reference to the story “The Necklace”
(vii) Why did the thief befriend Anil? Why did he steal Anil’s money? Why did he come
back and put Anil’s money back?
(viii) How does Think Tank compare the Martians with the people on the Earth? What guesses are made by him about the books found on earth?
(ix) In the story ‘A Questions of Trust’, Horace Danby carefully planned his theft, but was outwitted by another thief ‘The lady in red’. Would you agree that over confidence may prove fatal one day? Discuss.
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