
CBSE Class 10 Exam 2024: The CBSE Class 10 board exams are fast approaching and the final 60 days leading up to the exams can be crucial for students to fine-tune their preparations. With a well-structured plan, students can utilize this time efficiently and enhance their performance in the upcoming exams. In this article, we have presented a comprehensive guide on how to make the most of these last weeks before the CBSE Class 10 board exam. We have drafted a sample 60-day preparation plan for CBSE Class 10 students. This study plan provides a structured framework, ensuring systematic coverage of the syllabus, and allocates ample time for revision and practice. Thus, this would help students optimize their exam preparations and secure the desired marks.

Week 1-2: Assess and Organize

Subject-wise Assessment:

Analyse your strengths and weaknesses in each subject.

Identify topics that require more focus and revision.

Time Management:

Allocate specific time for each subject in your daily schedule.

Prioritize subjects based on your level of proficiency.

Week 3-4: Revise Core Concepts

Focused Revision:

Revise core concepts and formulae in all subjects thoroughly.

Refer to your class notes and textbooks for a comprehensive understanding

Practice with Question Banks:

Start solving previous years’ question papers and sample papers to revise key concepts.

Analyze your performance and identify areas requiring improvement.

Week 5-6: Intensive Practice

Subject-wise Practice:

Devote specific days to each subject for intensive practice.

Solve more previous years’ question papers and sample papers.

Clear Your Doubts:

Seek help from teachers or classmates to clear all your doubts.

Practise in groups to foster collaborative learning.

Week 7-8: Fine-Tuning and Refinement

Mock Tests:

Taking full-length mock tests to simulate exam like conditions.

Analyze your performance and work on exam writing and time management strategies.

Revision of Weak Areas:

Revisit your weak areas and clarify concepts related to them. 

Work on improving accuracy and speed in solving problems.

Week 9-10: Final Preparation and Mindfulness

Final Revision:

Concentrate on last minute revision of all subjects.

Use revision notes, mind maps and flashcards for quick revision.

Stay Healthy, Keep Calm:

Ensure adequate sleep and maintain a balanced diet.

Take frequent energy breaks during study sessions.

Exam-Day Strategies:

Familiarise yourself with the exam centre and guidelines.

Create an exam writing plan in advance to manage time effectively in the examination hall.

Daily Study Schedule for CBSE Class 10 Exam 2024

Besides having the weekly plan, students should also have a targetted daily study schedule that involves balancing revising core concepts, practising with sample papers, and taking breaks for optimum performance in exams. Below is a sample daily hour-to-hour study schedule for the last 60 days before exams which students can refer to for their CBSE Class 10 board exam preparations:

6:00 AM – 7:00 AM: Morning Routine

Wake up, go and get fresh.

Drink a glass of milk and prepare for the day ahead..

7:00 AM – 8:20 AM: Study Session 1 (Subject 1)

Revise core concepts and topics of high weightage.

Review class notes and textbooks to reinforce fundamental concepts.

8:20 AM – 8:45 AM: Breakfast

Have a nutritious breakfast to get sustained energy for the morning study session.

8:45 AM – 10:15 AM: Study Session 2 (Subject 2)

Start with the focused revision of second subject.

Practice solving problems and revise your weak areas.

10:15 AM – 10:30 AM: Short Break

Take a quick break to refresh your mind and realx your body.

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Study Session 3 (Subject 3)

Move on to the third subject for comprehensive revision.

Solve questions and assess your understanding.

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: Lunch Break and Rest

Have a balanced lunch.

Take a mind refreshing nap to enhance focus for the afternoon study session.

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Solve Old Question Papers

Solve previous years’ question papers. (Take one subject each day)

Analyze your performance and note areas for improvement.

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM: Short Energy Break

Take a brief break to relax and stretch your body.

3:15 PM – 4:45 PM: Study Session 4 (Subject 4)

Focus on targeted revision of fourth subject.

Clear your doubts and seek assistance if needed.

4:45 PM – 5:00 PM: Short Break

Take a short break to reenergize.

5:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Revision

Review the day’s topics briefly for reinforcement.

Focus on strengthening your weak areas.

6:30 PM – 8:30 PM: Dinner Break

Have a balanced dinner and go for a brisk walk to sustain energy levels.

Utilise leisure to engage in a recreational activity or pursue a favorite hobby.

8:30 PM – 10:00 PM: Night Study Session

Solve additional practice questions.

Recapitulate key concepts of each subject.

10:00 PM – 10:30 PM: Relaxation and Mindfulness

Wind up the whole day’s routine with relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises..

Prepare for a good night’s sleep.

10:30 PM: Bedtime

Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep for optimal wellness and cognitive function.

Note* This is only a sample schedule, and you can adapt it to your individual learning abilities and preferences.

Dear students! These last 60 days are going to be crucial for your preparation and performance, deciding your success in the upcoming examinations. So, utilise this period for a systematic and focused revision of all subjects to help you build confidence, reinforce your knowledge, and approach the exams with a well-prepared mindset. Remember, consistency and dedication are key to achieving success in the CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2024.

Good luck!


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