
ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Syllabus 2023: Chemistry is a core part of the science subject in ICSE Class 10 and introduces many new  and fascinating concepts to students. Check here the ICSE Class 10th Chemistry syllabus for the 2022-23 exam session along with the exam pattern and internal assessment details.

ICSE Class 10th Chemistry Syllabus 2023: Chemistry paper is part of the science subject in ICSE Class 10, and studying science is a must for all ICSE students, making Chemistry an important sub-subject for ICSE Class 10. Science (Code: 52) comprises three papers: 1-Physics, 2-Chemistry, and 3-Biology. Chemistry paper is difficult no doubt, but with committed studying, even the ICSE class 10 Chemistry Board exams become a piece of cake. Take a look at the ICSE Class 10 Chemistry syllabus to make sure you haven’t missed out covering any essential topics. Read and download the ICSE Board Class 10 Chemistry Exam 2023 in PDF here.

ICSE Board Class 10 Chemistry Syllabus

The ICSE class 10 Chemistry paper will carry 80 marks, and the duration will be two hours. There will also be a separate internal assessment of 20 marks to test students’ ability to apply the theory in practical life.

Note: All chemical processes / reactions should be studied with reference to the reactants, products, conditions, observation, the (balanced) equations and diagrams.

  1. Periodic Properties and variations of Properties – Physical and Chemical

(i) Periodic properties and their variations in groups and periods.

Definitions and trends of the following periodic properties in groups and periods should be studied:

  • atomic size
  • metallic character
  • non-metallic character
  • ionisation potential
  • electron affinity
  • electronegativity

(ii) Periodicity on the basis of atomic number for elements.

  • The study of modern periodic table up to period 4(students to be exposed to the complete modern periodic table but no questions will be asked on elements beyond period 4 – Calcium).
  • Periodicity and other related properties to be explained on the basis of nuclear charge and shells (not orbitals).

(Special reference to the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens and inert gases).

  1. Chemical Bonding

Electrovalent, covalent and co-ordinate bonding, structures of various compounds, Electron dot structure.

(a) Electrovalent bonding:

  • Electron dot structure of Electrovalent compounds NaCl, MgCl2, CaO.
  • Characteristic properties of electrovalent compounds – state of existence, melting and boiling points, conductivity (heat and electricity), dissociation in solution and in molten state to be linked with electrolysis.

(b) Covalent Bonding:

  • Electron dot structure of covalent molecules on the basis of duplet and octet of electrons (example: hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen, ammonia, carbon tetrachloride, methane.
  • Polar Covalent compounds – based on difference in electronegativity:

Examples – HCl, NH3 and H2O including structures.

  • Characteristic properties of Covalent compounds – state of existence, melting and boiling points, conductivity (heat and electricity), ionisation in solution.

Comparison of Electrovalent and Covalent compounds.

(c) Coordinate Bonding:

  • Definition
  • The lone pair effect of the oxygen atom of the water molecule and the nitrogen atom of the ammonia molecule to explain the formation of H3O+and OHions in water and NH4+ ion.

The meaning of lone pair; the formation of hydronium ion and ammonium ion must be explained with the help of electron dot diagrams.

  1. Study of Acids, Bases and Salts

(i) Simple definitions, classification and their characteristic properties.

(ii) Ions present in mineral acids, alkalis and salts and their solutions; use of litmus and pH paper to test for acidity and alkalinity.

  • Examples with equation for the ionisation/dissociation of acids, bases and salts.
  • Acids form hydronium ions (only positive ions) which turn blue litmus red, alkalis form hydroxyl ions (only negative ions) with water which turns red litmus blue.
  • Salts are formed by partial or complete replacement of the hydrogen ion of an acid by a metal or ionic definition of salt. (To be explained with suitable examples).
  • Introduction to pH scale to test for acidity, neutrality and alkalinity by using pH paper or Universal indicator and common acid base indicators.

(iii) Types of salts: normal salts, acid salt, basic salt, definition and examples.

(iv) Action of dilute acids on salts.

Decomposition of hydrogen carbonates, carbonates, sulphites and sulphides by appropriate acids with heating if necessary. (Relevant laboratory work must be done).

  1. Analytical Chemistry

(i) Action of Ammonium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydroxide on solution of salts: colour of salt and its solution; formation and colour of hydroxide precipitated for solutions of salts of Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb; special action of ammonium hydroxide on solutions of copper salt and sodium hydroxide on ammonium salts.

On solution of salts:

  • Colour of salt and its solution.
  • Action on addition of Sodium Hydroxide to solution of Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb salts drop by drop and in excess. Formation and colour of hydroxide precipitated to be highlighted with the help of equations.
  • Action on addition of Ammonium Hydroxide to solution of Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb salts drop by drop and in excess. Formation and colour of hydroxide precipitated to be highlighted with the help of equations.
  • Special action of Ammonium Hydroxide on solutions of copper salts and sodium hydroxide on ammonium salts.

(ii) Action of alkalis (NaOH, KOH) on certain metals, their oxides and hydroxides.

The metals must include aluminium, zinc and lead, their oxides and hydroxides, which react with caustic alkalis (NaOH, KOH), showing the amphoteric nature of these substances.

  1. Mole Concept and Stoichiometry

(i) Gay Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes

Statement and explanation with numerical problems.

(ii)Vapour Density and its relation to relative molecular mass:

  • Molecular mass = 2×vapour density (formal proof not required)
  • Deduction of simple (empirical) and molecular formula from: (a) the percentage composition of a compound.

(b) the masses of combining elements.

  1. Electrolysis

(i) Electrolytes and non-electrolytes.

Definitions and examples.

(ii) Substances containing molecules only, ions only, both molecules and ions.

  • Substances containing molecules only ions only, both molecules and ions.
  • Examples: relating their composition with their behaviour as strong and weak electrolytes as well as non-electrolytes.

(iii) Definition and explanation of electrolysis, electrolyte, electrode, anode, cathode, anion,

cation, oxidation and reduction (on the basis of loss and gain of electrons).

(iv) An elementary study of the migration of ions, with reference to the factors influencing selective discharge of ions (reference should be made to the activity series as indicating the tendency of metals, e.g., Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, to form ions) illustrated by the electrolysis of:

  • Molten lead bromide
  • acidified water with platinum electrodes
  • Aqueous copper (II) sulphate with inert electrode, copper electrodes; electron transfer at the electrodes.

The above electrolytic processes can be studied in terms of electrolyte used, electrodes used, ionization reaction, anode reaction, cathode reaction, use of selective discharge theory, wherever applicable.

(v) Applications of electrolysis.

  • Electroplating with nickel and silver, choice of electrolyte for electroplating.
  • Electro refining of copper.

Reasons and conditions for electroplating; names of the electrolytes and the electrodes used should be given. Equations for the reactions at the electrodes should be given for electroplating, refining of copper.

Download and read the full ICSE Class 10th Chemistry Syllabus 2022-23 below:



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