
Math Riddles for Class 10 Students: Only high-IQ people can solve this tricky logical math riddle. Find out how many steps the ladder has in 25 seconds.

Math Riddles For Students IQ-Test: The mind needs rest and exercise just like other parts of the human body. But in today’s time rest is all the brain gets with highly accessible and easy-to-use technological advancements. People have become over-reliant on technology, which has reduced their critical thinking and common sense skills. However, it’s simple to regain control of your mind by putting it to work

Brain teasers, math riddles and puzzles are proven tools for improving your mental abilities. On that note, we bring you the following mathematical riddle for the IQ test. You have 25 seconds to find the solution and prove that you possess superior intelligence. So, without delay, dive in to take this riddle test below.

Burning House Math Riddles for Students: Find Total Steps On The Ladder in 25 Seconds

Math Riddle Burning House Ladder Steps

Career Counseling

The above IQ math riddle has been baffling the internet. Do you have what it takes to solve this riddle? 

It’s time to find out!

Here’s a scenario for you to unravel:

  • A fireman stood at the centre of a ladder to douse a burning house.
  • He climbed 6 steps before the heat forced him down by 10 steps.
  • The fireman again climbed 18 steps to reach the top of the ladder.

How many steps or rungs does the ladder consist of?

You have exactly 25 seconds to solve this riddle. Take any more, and you fail!

Your time begins now.

Related: Math Riddles For Students: We Bet You Can’t Solve this Logic-Based Number System Riddle in 30 Seconds!

Ladder Step Math Riddle Solution

Maths Riddle Solution Ladder Steps

Hopefully, you had fun solving this math riddle iq test and found the answer on time. Now it’s time to check if you came up with the right solution.

Assume the fireman is standing on ladder step x, which lies in the middle.

He climbs 6 steps => x+6

Then he lowers 10 steps => x+6-10 = x-4

Then he again climbs 18 steps to reach the top

=> x-4+18 = x+14

So, the top of the ladder is 14 steps from the middle. The same applies to the bottom.

Hence, total steps on the ladder = 14+14+1 = 29


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