
Math Riddles for Students: Only the true geniuses can crack this challenging tricky math riddle. If you think you’re intelligent, then try to find the answer in less than 15 seconds.

Tricky Math Riddles: There’s no better exercise for your mind than solving a complex question. Have you ever noticed how you lose track of time indulging in tricky riddles, brain teasers or any puzzle? Well, you’re not a minority.

Everyone likes riddles. The rush of dopamine you get from taking on a challenge and the feeling of winning after you correctly solve it is amazing. Even the most impulsive people get laser-focused while solving a puzzle to their liking.

In today’s age, the digital world and the over-reliance on technology have adversely affected our concentration and thinking skills. To combat the overstimulation of the mind, it’s necessary to put it to good use. And there’s no better way than to solve a fun puzzle.

On that note, we bring you the following math riddle that’s going viral on the internet.

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Let’s see if you have what it takes to solve it in 15 seconds.

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Tricky Math Riddles for Students: Fill The Square

Math Riddle Fill The Square

Given above is a viral math riddle that has been playing with the minds of netizens for a while now.

It’s a simple 9 box square. The central square is blackened and you have to use the remaining 8 boxes to solve a question.

You have eight numbers, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80.

You have to place them in the boxes of the square in such a way that all the four sides add up to 150.

Sounds easy right?

But the catch is that you only have 15 seconds to find the answer.

Think you’re up to the task?

It’s time to find out then!

Related: Number Series Math Riddle: You Have The Mind Of Newton If You Solve This Number Series Puzzle in 47 Seconds!

Fill the Square Math Riddle Solution

Hopefully, you found the solution to this fun math riddle on time. You can verify your answer below.

Math Riddle Fill The Square Solution



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