
BSEB Bihar STET Result 2023: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is to release the Bihar STET result on 03 October 2023. The STET result is to be announced online at bsebstet.com. Candidates who appeared in the exam held from 04 to 15 September can download the result today from 2:30 PM onwards.  The result will be announced by the BSEB Chairman Shri Anand Kishore. 

Bihar STET Result 2023:  Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) STET Result will be available on the official website of the board on 03 October 2023. The marks will be uploaded, for a total of 4 lakh candidates who appeared for the exam, on the scorecard. Candidates can download the BSEB Result using their mobile number and password/OTP. The result will be available for Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam simultaneously.

Bihar STET Result Download Link

According to the official notice, the result will be announced by the Shri Anand Kishore at the auditorium situated in the main building of the board at 2:30 PM on October 3, 2023. The marks will be also be uploaded on the official website. Students should keep track of this page to check their marks without visiting the website. 


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Bihar STET Result Live Updates

Documents Required to Check BSEB Result 2023 ?

The candidates should keep the following items ready to check the result:

  • Bihar STET Admit Card
  • Working internet
  • Mobile/PC etc.

How Can I download BSEB Result 2023 ?

The candidates can follow the steps given below to download their result:

  1. Visit the official website of the board – https://bsebstet.com
  2. Click on the result link
  3. Enter the asked details
  4. After entering the required details, click on the “Submit” or “Result Check” button.
  5. Your Bihar STET Result 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Once your Bihar Board State Result is displayed, you can download it in PDF format and take a printout of the result for future reference.

Bihar STET Result 2023: What are category-wise prescribed  qualifying marks 

 The minimum qualifying mark prescribed for the general category candidates is 50 per cent while for BC category candidates, the minimum passing score is 45.5 per cent. The Bihar STET qualifying percentage remains the same for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Have a look at the STET passing or qualifying marks below:

Category Qualifying Percentage Qualifying Marks out of 150 (Expected)
General 50% 75
BC 45.50% 68.25
OBC 42.50% 63.75
SC/ ST/ PwD 40% 60
Women 40% 60

Bihar STET Scorecard 2023

The result consists of marks obtained by the candidates in each subject, total marks and qualifying status. Candidates can download their scorecards from the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) using their login details. The following details will be mentioned on the scored card of the candidates:

  • Name
  • Subject
  • Roll Number
  • Marks Obtained.
  • Percentile.
  • Maximum Marks.
  • Qualifying Status
  • Ranking

Bihar STET Pass Percentage

The overall pass percentage for the exam is expected to be 55%. However, the minimum pass percentage for the General Category is 50%, 45% for OBC, 40% for SC and ST, 45% for EWS and 30% for PWD.

What After Bihar STET Result 2023

Students who qualify in the exam can apply for teaching jobs in government schools in Bihar. The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) conducts the recruitment of teachers in government schools in Bihar.

Bihar STET Merit List 2023

After the result,the board will  prepare a merit of the candidates on the basis of which they will be recruited in the schools

bsebstet.com 2023 result

The exam was conducted for lakhs of students in online mode. The candidates who secure the minimum passing marks will be issued a BSEB STET Certificate. The candidates will also get their scorecards.  BSEB STET Exam was conducted from 04th to 15th September 2023 for Paper 1 and Paper 2. The exam was held from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The answer key of the exam was uploaded on 15, 16 and 19 September 2023. Now, the board will release the results of this exam.

Paper 1 consisted of Hindi, Bangla, Maithili, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Bhojpuri, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Music, Fine Arts, and Nritya. Paper 2 consisted of Hindi, Urdu, English, Sanskrit, Bangla, Maithili, Magahi, Arabic, Persian, Bhojpuri, Pali, Prakrit, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, History, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Home Science, Commerce, Computer Science, Agriculture, Music, Botany.


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