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CBSE Class 12 Physical Education 3 Mark Questions 2024: In this article, we have provided important short answer type questions to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Exam which will be held on March 12, 2024. Check important questions from all chapters outlined in the Class 12 Physical Education syllabus.
In CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Question Paper 2024, Section C will include 5 short answer type questions of 3 marks each. Students can prepare well for this section with the help of practice questions provided below.
Important* CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Best Tips and Resources for Last Miniute Revision
Chapter 1 – Management of Sporting Events
Q. What is planning? write any two objective of Planning
Q. What are the responsibilities of Publicity Committee?
Q. Write down the responsibilities of any three committees before Tournament.
Q. Write down the responsibilities of organising committees, official committees and Ground & Equipments committees.
Q. Describe the responsibilities of any three committees after the tournament.
Q. Elucidate the functions of first aid committee, boarding & lodging committee and Prize distribution committee during the sports events.
Q. Draw the fixture for 5 teams on the basis of League tournament with cyclic method.
Chapter 2 – Children & Women in Sports
Q. Explain the symptoms & corrective measures of kyphosis.
Q. Mention the symptoms, causes & corrective measures of knock knee.
Q. What is flat foot? write precautions for it.
Q. What is postural deformities? write down about knock knee & bowlegs.
Q. Write any three symptoms and precautions of round shoulder.
Q. Elaborate the factor and cause of postural deformities.
Q. Elaborate the various types of disorders/problems related to menstrual dysfunction.
Chapter 3 – Yoga as Preventive Measure for Lifestyle Disease
Q. Elaborate the role of Shavasana for the hypertension.
Q. Elaborate the role of Shavasana for the hypertension.
Chapter 4 – Physical Education and Sports for CWSN
Q. Write a short note on the origin of Para Olympic Games.
Q. Explain the advantages of physical activities for children with special needs.
Q. Explain any three benefits of physical activities for children with special needs?
Q. How physical activities improve the mental & social status of CWSN?
Chapter 5 – Sports & Nutrition
Q. Explain Balanced diet and its function in our body.
Q. Write importance of protein for our body.
Q. Differentiate between simple carbohydrate and complex carbohvdrate.
Q. Is fat useful or not useful for us Explain?
Q. How water is useful for us? Explain Briefly.
Note* More questions are being updated. Keep refreshing this page for more questions
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