
Class 11 Political Theory Chapter 2 – Freedom, NCERT  2023 – Check out these crucial multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focusing on the Chapter 2 of Political Theory, covering key concepts to ace your upcoming exams!


This article presents a set of 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to test and reinforce understanding of the fundamental concepts covered in the chapter “FREEDOM.” Aspiring students and enthusiasts alike can use this quiz as a valuable tool to deepen their comprehension of political theory basics.

Chapter 2 – FREEDOM

Here are 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on Chapter 2 – FREEDOM, NCERT Class 11 Political Theory book:

1. Which one of the following best defines “freedom” in a political context?

a) Absence of government interference

b) Ability to do whatever one pleases

c) Pursuit of individual interests without any limits

d) Ability to participate in decision-making processes that affect one’s life

2. According to the chapter, freedom is not an absolute concept but a ____________ one.

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a) Relative

b) Constant

c) Ethical

d) Universal

3. The idea of positive liberty refers to:

a) Freedom from external constraints and interference.

b) The capability of individuals to pursue their goals effectively.

c) The absence of poverty and inequality in society.

d) The freedom of the press and media.

4. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental freedom mentioned in the chapter?

a) Freedom of speech and expression

b) Freedom to move and reside anywhere in the country

c) Freedom to practice any profession or occupation

d) Freedom to possess and carry firearms for self-defense

5. The concept of “developmental freedom” implies:

a) Freedom from colonial rule and foreign domination.

b) The freedom of individuals to live life as they choose.

c) Freedom to actively participate in the economic development of the country.

d) Freedom to access and use the internet without any restrictions.

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6. Which dimension is considered essential for the expansion of individual capabilities and functioning?

a) Economic equality

b) Social inequality

c) Political Debates

d) Cultural Lags

7. According to the chapter, what is the relationship between freedom and equality?

a) Freedom and equality are mutually exclusive concepts.

b) Freedom can be fully realized only in the absence of equality.

c) Freedom and equality are interconnected and complementary.

d) Equality is a threat to individual freedom.

8. Which of the following is an example of a direct restriction on freedom by the state?

a) Imposing taxes to fund public services

b) Ensuring free and fair elections

c) Protecting minority rights through affirmative action

d) Enforcing compulsory military service during emergencies

9. The “right to freedom” guaranteed by the Constitution of India includes all of the following rights EXCEPT:

a) Freedom of speech and expression

b) Freedom to form associations and unions

c) Freedom to practice any profession or occupation

d) Freedom to acquire, hold, and dispose of property

10. According to the chapter, which of the following is a key element in ensuring freedom?

a) Centralized decision-making by the government

b) Strong military to defend national sovereignty

c) Active citizen participation in decision-making

d) Economic growth at the expense of individual liberties

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  1. d) Ability to participate in decision-making processes that affect one’s life
  2. a) Relative
  3. b) The capability of individuals to pursue their goals effectively.
  4. d) Freedom to possess and carry firearms for self-defense
  5. c) Freedom to actively participate in the economic development of the country.
  6. a) Economic equality
  7. c) Freedom and equality are interconnected and complementary.
  8. d) Enforcing compulsory military service during emergencies
  9. d) Freedom to acquire, hold, and dispose of property
  10. c) Active citizen participation in decision-making

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