
Number Series Math Riddles for Students: Check your intelligence level by solving this number series math puzzle in 47 seconds.

Tricky Math Riddles: Riddles and puzzles are a fun and stimulating way to exercise your brain. They can help you improve your problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity. In today’s world, when our minds are constantly bombarded with information, it’s more important than ever to find ways to challenge ourselves mentally. Riddles and puzzles are an effective and enjoyable way to do that.

Solving riddles and puzzles can also help improve your mood and reduce stress. When you’re focused on solving a puzzle, you’re not thinking about your troubles. And have you ever noticed how fast time flies when you’re on an intriguing question? Here at Jagran Josh, we aim to replicate the same experience with the following math riddle on the number series. These puzzles are aimed at students and adults both. So without any delay, dive in to have a good time and exercise your brain.

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Math Riddle on Number Series

You have 47 seconds to crack this math riddle on number series.

Math Riddle on Number Series

Math Riddle Number Series Solution

Math Riddle on Number Series solution

Hopefully, you had fun solving this number series riddle and did it before the deadline. Now, it’s time for answers. The missing number in the central circle is 225.

Are you shocked? Don’t worry, you’re not the first. The above riddle has challenged many intelligent minds and for good reason.

Check the solution and verify your answer below.

The numbers in the circle seem completely random at first glance, but if you perform the basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and subtraction, you’ll notice the pattern.

Here are the steps to reach the solution to this mind-melting number series puzzle.

– Observe the first circle and pair the opposites 5 & 6, and 13 & 4.

– Add the first pair. You get 6+5=11

– Now calculate the difference of the second pair. You get 13-4=9.

– Subtract the two results and square the output.

– (11-9)2 = 22 = 4.

– Follow the same process for the second and third circles.

For Circle Three:

=> [3+20 – (17-9)]2

= (23-8)2

= 152


There’s your answer.

Did you find the correct answer? If so, congratulations. You’re definitely a prodigy and one of the smartest people in your circle. If you failed, don’t lose heart. Keep practising, and you’ll get better in no time.

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