
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Class 11 MCQs: Download important MCQs for CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 3 in PDF here. Check questions and answers by experts for 2023-24 exam preparations.

MCQs on Class 11 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties: Class 11 Chemistry Chapter – 3, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties is quite important from the exam point of view as the chapter carries 6 marks for the annual assessment and is also important for understanding the basic concepts of chemistry. The concepts introduced in this chapter are used throughout the rest of the course, so it is important to have a strong foundation in them. One of the best ways to get good at the concepts of the chapter can be by solving multiple choice type questions (MCQs). Therefore, it is essential that students practise a variety of MCQs, identify their weaknesses and work to improve them. In this article, we are providing you with a set of important MCQs for CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 3, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties. All the questions have been prepared by experienced faculty and are based on the latest CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus. Read and download all questions and answers in PDF from here and use them for your annual exam preparations.

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CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Deleted Syllabus 2023-24

Check MCQs with Answers for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter – Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties below:

1.The Vander Waal’s radii of O, N, Cl, F and Ne increase in the order

(A) F, O, N, Ne, Cl

(B) N, O, F, Ne, Cl

(C) Ne, F, O, N, Cl

(D) F, Cl, O, N, Ne

Answer: (C) Ne, F, O, N, Cl

2.Which of the following correctly represents the increasing order of effective nuclear charge in Na, Al, Mg and Si atoms?

(A) Na < Mg < Si <Al

(B) Na < Mg <Al < Si

(C) Mg < Na <Al< Si

(D) Na = Mg =Al = Si

Answer: (B) Na < Mg <Al < Si

3.Which one of the following is correct order of the size of iodine species?

(A) I > I > I+ 

(B) I > I+ > I 

(C) I+ > I > I

(D) I > I > I+ 

Answer: (D) I > I > I+ 

4.The screening effect of d-electrons is –

(A) equal to the p-electrons

(B) much more than p-electron

(C) same as f-electrons

(D) less than p-electrons

Answer: (D) less than pelectrons

5.Which electronic configuration among the following will have the highest electron affinity?

(A) 1s2 2s2 2p3 

(B) 1s2 2s2 2p5 

(C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 

(D) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3 

Answer: (C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 

6.The increasing order of electron affinity values of O, S and Se is

(A) O < S < Se

(B) S < O < Se

(C) O < Se < S

(D) Se < O > S

Answer: (C) O < Se < S

7.Which of the following has lowest electron affinity?

(A) Kr

(B) O

(C) N

(D) S 

Answer: (C) N

8.For reaction, O(g) + 2e → O–2(g)  –E = + 744.7 value of E is positive because

(A) It is an endothermic reaction

(B) It is an exothermic reaction

(C) Both 1 and 2

(D) None of the above is correct 

Answer: (A) It is an endothermic reaction

9.Which oxide of N is isoelectronic with CO2?

(A) NO2

(B) NO

(C) N2O

(D) N2O3 

Answer: (C) N2O

10.The correct order of increasing values of second ionisation potential of C6, N7, O8 and F9 is:

(A) C > N > F > O

(B) C < F < N < O

(C) C < F < N < O

(D) C < N < F< O

Answer: (D) C < N < F< O

Also Read:

NCERT Book for Class 11 Chemistry (Revised)

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry


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