
CBSE Class 12 The Tiger King Notes: Here, students can find revision notes for CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2, The Tiger King. Find here full and detailed handwritten notes and summary of The Tiger King.

The Tiger King Class 12 Notes: In this article, students can find revision notes for CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2, The Tiger King. Also, find attached a PDF download link for the same, at the bottom of the article. These revision notes have been prepared by our subject experts as per the updated and revised CBSE Syllabus and curriculum.

These revision notes are handwritten and consist of every important detail related to the chapter. Short notes on the author, synopsis, theme of the story, and summary in points are compiled together to form these revision notes presented to you.


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Revision Notes for CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2 The Tiger King are:

 About the Author:

Career Counseling

Kalki is the author of CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 2, The Tiger King. Her original name is Ramaswamy Krishnamurthy and she is an Indian poet, writer, journalist, critic, and Indian Independence activist. She was a Tamil writer. Her writing expands over 120 short stories, 10 novellas, 3 novels, 5 historical romances, editorial and political writings, and hundreds of music reviews and films.

About the Story/ Synopsis of the Story

The Tiger King is the story of a cruel king who ignored the people and works of his state to kill the tigers of the kingdom. On his birth, a famous astrologer had said that he would be killed by the 100th tiger. Soon after, the king went on a tiger-killing spree and finished all the tigers of his kingdom. Read the summary below to know what happens next.  

Theme of The Tiger King

The Tiger King is based on the theme of cruelty and ignorance towards the kingdom and its people by the leaders and authorities of the nation. The author here uses political satire to put the real faces of the politicians and people in power, ahead of us. It is an interesting tale from the land of Pratibandpuram and explains in detail the vicious rulers of the nation.

Character Sketches:

Tiger King: The tiger king was rude, egoistic, self-centered, ignorant, irresponsible, selfish, whimsical and irrational. He was rude since he did not behave politely with his servants and they feared him. He was egoistic, self-centered, and selfish since he indulged in killing tigers so much that he completely ignored the fact that he had a kingdom to rule and work for. He dedicated his life to killing tigers instead of working for his people. He was very moody since he increased the tax on his people just because of some frustration and anxiety related to tigers.

Summary (Important Points)

  • The story is about the king of Pratibandapuram, The Tiger King. It is an epic tale which discovers how the tiger king made it to his final abode.
  • During his birth, when astrologers were foretelling his fortune, words came out of ten days old child.
  • Then the astrologer predicted, “The prince was born in the hour of the Bull. The Bull and the Tiger are enemies, therefore, death comes from the Tiger’.
  • These lines from the text describe Tiger King’s early childhood The boy drank the milk of an English cow, was brought up by an English nanny, tutored in English by an Englishman, saw nothing but English films — exactly as the crown princes of all the other Indian states did”.
  • At the age of twenty, he was handed over the responsibility of his kingdom. But everyone remembered the predictions of the astrologer and he started on a tiger killing spree saying that there is no harm in killing tigers in self-defence.
  • The astrologer arrived again and told the maharaja that he would die from the 100th tiger.
  • Then, the Maharaja vowed he would attend to all other matters only after killing a hundred tigers.
  • One day a British officer came to hunt tigers in the state. Maharaja ordered diamond rings for his wife and sent them to her, thinking she would manipulate her husband and convince him to not kill tigers in Pratibandapuram, after receiving gifts. The same happened.
  • The Maharaja vowed he would attend to all other matters only after killing a hundred tigers.
  • Then the tiger population in the state started extincting. So, he decided to marry a woman of royale caliber with good tiger population in his state.
  • Maharaja Jung Jung Bahadur killed five or six tigers each time he visited his father-in-law. With this, he killed 99 tigers.
  • By that time, the tiger population in his father in law’s state also became extinct. But he got a report that a few sheep on the hillside were disappearing.
  • The Maharaja announced a three-year exemption from all taxes for that village and set out on the hunt at once.
  • When he wasn’t able to locate the tiger, he ordered the dewanto to double the land tax.
  • The Maharaja threatened the dewan that he would be expelled from his job if he could not find the last tiger.
  • The dewan came to know that there was a tiger in a house which was brought from Madras. Dewan and his wife shoved the tiger in their car and brought it to the Maharaja.
  • The tiger king shot the 100th tiger carefully ordered his servants to bring the last tiger in the grand procession and hastened away in his car.
  • After the maharaja had gone away, servants came to know that the tiger had fainted as the bullet shot past him and he was still alive. From the fear of their master, they killed the tiger and took the body in the grand procession.
  • A few days later the Maharaja’s son’s third birthday was celebrated.
  • He spotted a wooden tiger in a toyshop and decided it was the perfect gift for his son’s birthday.
  • When both son and father were playing with the wooden tiger, one of the tiny silver on the wooden tiger pierced the maharaja’s right hand.
  • The next day, infection flared in the Maharaja’s right hand. In four days, it developed into a suppurating sore that spread all over the arm.
  • Even after consulting doctors from Madras and giving their all, the tiger king could not be saved and hence he lost his life because of the 100th tiger.

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