
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science Chapter 2 Contemporary Centres Of Power: This article provides answers to all the back exercises questions of Chapter 2: Contemporary Centres Of Power given in the NCERT Class 12 Political Science Book – Contemporary World Politics.

NCERT Solutions of Chapter 2: Contemporary Centres Of Power: In Chapter 2: Contemporary Centres Of Power in your Class 12 NCERT book ‘Contemporary World Politics,’ we present the solutions for you. Think of these exercises as your friendly guide to better understanding the chapter. As we go through the answers together, the goal is to make things crystal clear, helping you in understanding the chapter through those exercises. Each question will lead you to a deeper understanding of what’s going on in the world of contemporary politics.

Chapter 2: Contemporary Centres Of Power, NCERT Solutions

1. Arrange the following in chronological order:

China’s accession to WTO

Establishment of the EEC

Establishment of the EU

Birth of ARF

Answer: The following is the correct chronological order for the given events;

Shiv Khera

  1. Establishment of the EEC
  2. Establishment of the EU
  3. China’s accession to WTO
  4. Birth of ARF

2. The ‘ASEAN Way’:

  1. Reflects the lifestyle of ASEAN members
  2. A form of interaction among ASEAN members that is informal and cooperative
  3. The defence policy followed by the ASEAN members
  4. The road that connects all the ASEAN members

Answer: b. A form of interaction among ASEAN members that is informal and cooperative

3. Which of the following nations adopted an ‘open door’ policy?

  1. China
  2. South Korea
  3. Japan
  4. USA

Answer: a. China

4. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The border conflict between China and India in 1962 was principally over ________ and _______ region.
  2. ARF was established in the year _________.
  3. China entered into bilateral relations with __________ (a major country) in 1972.
  4. ________Plan influenced the establishment of the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation in 1948.
  5. ________ is the organisation of ASEAN that deals with security.

Answer: The following are the complete sentences with filled blanks:

  1. The border conflict between China and India in 1962 was principally over Aksai Chin and NEFA region.
  2. ARF was established in the year 1994.
  3. China entered into bilateral relations with the USA (a major country) in 1972.
  4. Marshall Plan influenced the establishment of the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation in 1948.
  5. ASEAN is the organisation that deals with security.

5. What are the objectives of establishing regional organisations?

Answer: Regional organizations aim to promote economic cooperation, enhance security, foster cultural ties, and address common challenges among member nations.

6. How does geographical proximity influence the formation of regional organisations?

Answer: Geographical proximity fosters shared interests, enhances economic collaboration, and facilitates easier communication, making it a key factor in the formation of regional organizations.

7. What are the components of the ASEAN Vision 2020?

Answer: The ASEAN Vision 2020 focuses on three key components:

a) ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations,

b) ASEAN as a dynamic region, and

c) ASEAN as a responsible community.

8. Name the pillars and the objectives of the ASEAN Community.

Answer: The three pillars of the ASEAN Community are: 

a) ASEAN Political-Security Community, 

b) ASEAN Economic Community, and 

c) ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. 

The objectives include fostering regional peace, economic integration, and cultural collaboration.

9. In what ways does the present Chinese economy differ from its command economy?

Answer: The present Chinese economy has embraced elements of market-oriented reforms, allowing for private enterprise, foreign investment, and competition, whereas the command economy strictly controlled by the state characterized earlier policies.

10. How did the European countries resolve their post-Second World War problem? Briefly outline the attempts that led to the formation of the European Union.

Answer: The European countries sought economic integration to prevent future conflicts. This started with the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, leading to the Treaties of Rome in 1957, which established the European Economic Community. Further treaties and agreements culminated in the Maastricht Treaty (1992), forming the European Union.

11. What makes the European Union a highly influential regional organisation?

Answer: The European Union is influential due to its economic strength, political cohesion, and commitment to common values. It has a single market, a common currency (Euro), and a unified foreign policy, making it a significant global player.

12. The emerging economies of China and India have great potential to challenge the unipolar world. Do you agree with the statement? Substantiate your arguments.

Answer: Yes, the economic and geopolitical rise of China and India challenges the unipolar world dominated by a single superpower. Their growing influence in global affairs, economic prowess, and regional leadership contribute to a more multipolar world order.

13. The peace and prosperity of countries lay in the establishment and strengthening of regional economic organisations. Justify this statement.

Answer: Regional economic organizations promote cooperation, reduce conflict, and enhance stability by fostering economic interdependence among member nations. Shared economic interests create incentives for peaceful relations and collaborative problem-solving.

14. Identify the contentious issues between China and India. How could these be resolved for greater cooperation? Give your suggestions.

Answer: Contentious issues include border disputes, trade imbalances, and geopolitical differences. Resolving through diplomatic dialogue, confidence-building measures, and economic collaboration can enhance cooperation. A commitment to peaceful negotiations and mutual respect is crucial for long-term stability.

Also Read: 

  1. NCERT Solutions for Class 12
  2. CBSE Class 12 Political Science Syllabus 2023 – 2024
  3. CBSE Class 12 Political Science Revision Notes


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